Yet the lack of a common stance undermines its stated aim of creating a common market with free movement of capital, goods, services, and labour. 然而,由于缺乏共同立场,其宣示的创建一个资本、商品、服务和劳动力自由流动的共同市场的目标遭到削弱。
China retains strict controls over the movement of capital into and out of the country, which is why an offshore market for Renminbi exists in cities such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei. 目前中国对于流入和流出本国的资本流动仍然施行严格管制,这也是香港、新加坡和台北等地存在人民币离岸市场的原因。
Free movement of capital or labour may also harm important interest groups within a country even if it raises aggregate incomes. 就算是总收入得以提升,资本与劳动力的自由流动还是可能伤害一国的重要利益集团。
Brussels usually enforces free movement of capital through the European Court, but could take a different approach in the case of sovereign funds. 欧盟委员会通常借助欧洲法院(europeancourt)来确保资本的自由流动,但它在主权基金问题上可能会采取不同的方式。
It is a question rather of how much openness to trade and movement of capital and labour there should be. 更确切地说,这个问题应该是,在贸易及资金与劳动力流动方面,应该允许多大的开放度。
Much of the recent reversal in the global movement of capital, goods and jobs has been directly due to the financial crisis. 近来全球资本、商品和就业趋势的逆转,很大程度上是金融危机的直接后果。
The War on terrorism – and the rupture in the Western alliance produced by the Iraqi war – might sharply slow down the international movement of capital and people for an extended period. 对恐怖主义的战争-以及由于伊拉克战争而导致的西方国家联盟的破裂-可能会急剧的减缓扩张时期国际资本和人员的流动。
Over the past few decades the freer movement of capital and traded goods has brought enormous gains to human welfare. 在过去数十年,资本和贸易商品的更自由流动为人类福利带来巨大收益。
Emerging Indian and Chinese trading markets will also soon aid the global movement of capital. 朝气蓬勃的印中两国贸易市场很快还将推动全球资本流动。
In fact, "open Japan" should be the motto for all policies dealing with the movement of capital, people, goods and services. 事实上,“开放的日本”应该成为涉及资本、人员、商品和服务流动的所有政策的座右铭。
Restrictions on the movement of capital, moreover, are outlawed in many trade agreements. 而且,限制资本流动在许多贸易协定中是非法的。
This has been a crisis of globalisation, after all, with those economies most open to the unfettered movement of capital among the hardest hit. 毕竟,当前这场危机是一场全球化危机,那些对不受约束的资本流动最为开放的经济体受到的打击最严重。
In general, China operates an "open door" policy on the movement of capital, although bank restrictions are in place. 大体上,中国对资本流通实行开放政策,虽然银行仍受限制。
If other countries follow the examples of Brazil and Switzerland, and adopt drastic measures to manage their currencies, then the principle of free movement of capital around the world one of the underpinnings of globalisation will be weakened. 如果其他国家效仿巴西和瑞士的做法,采取极端的汇率管控措施,那么,“资本在全世界自由流动”的原则将受到削弱。
Mr Frank said the policy of a full embrace of globalisation, of technological change has now come to an end because people doubt whether unfettered free movement of capital is in their interest. 弗兰克表示,全盘接受全球化、接受技术变革的政策目前已走到尽头,因为人们开始怀疑,不受任何限制的自由资本流动是否符合他们的利益。
As a result, the level of trade along the grid, the speed of movement of capital, goods and services and the flow of people amongst these economic centres have increased exponentially. 结果是这些经济中心之间的贸易额、资金、货物和服务流通的速度,以及人口的流动成倍增加。
Commodity tax, one of three kinds of taxes, is bond to influence the international investment activities as the world economies become opener and the transnational movement of capital become more active than before. 在开放的世界经济中,资本的跨国流动日益活跃,商品税作为现代三大税类之一,必然会对国际投资产生相应的影响。
The free movement of capital is the guarantee for the efficiency of resource allocation. 资本运动是资源配置效率的保证。
The Movement of Capital and the Social Transformations in the History of Japan 日本历史上的迁都与社会转型
In the so-called "impossible trinity" of open economy, China chose fixed exchange rate regime, comparatively strict movement of capital and independent monetary policy, that means China gave up some degree of monetary policy independence in exchange for limited capital mobility. 在开放经济的三元冲突中,中国选择了固定汇率,较严格的资本管制和较大的货币政策独立性,即用少量货币政策独立性的丧失换取有限度的资本流动。
On the basis of general provisions of free movement of capital, GATS provides flexible balance-of-payment safeguard mechanism. 以资本自由流动的原则规定为基础,《服务贸易总协定》在收支平衡方面规定了灵活的保护机制。
For the problem of if the free movement of capital impact gravely on the economy, supporters of the liberalization of capital flows figure that capital flows can promote economic growth also played a key role on financial integration of developing countries. 针对资本自由流动是否对经济造成重大影响这一问题,资本自由化的支持者认为资本流动在促进经济增长的同时能起到促进发展中国家金融整合的关键作用。
Since then, it reveals and explains the law of contradiction movement of capital movement by the thing self-contradict method, and it makes more analysis of two kinds of contradictions of capital movement-natural contradictions and stakeholders contradiction with specific cases. 其后,以事物矛盾法则为工具对资本运动的矛盾运动规律进行揭示和解释,并结合具体案例,对资本运动中的两类矛盾&自然矛盾和相关者矛盾加以深入透视。
After the 1960s, the international movement of capital has entered a new stage. 20世纪60年代后,资本的国际运动进入了一个崭新的历史阶段。
First, the economical globalization is increasingly obvious, following the surging of information and electronic technology, the development of region economic integration and the rapid movement of capital across the countries. 首先,经济全球化趋势日趋明显,以信息和电子技术为导向的新技术革命浪潮不断高涨,区域经济一体化深入发展,国际资本流动加快。
Modern society is established and developed with the movement of capital itself. 正是在资本自身的运动过程中,现代社会才得以形成、发展。
Later, with the development of financial globalization and the free movement of capital, sovereign wealth funds started to develop quickly. 之后,随着金融全球化的发展和资本的自由流动,主权财富基金开始迅速发展。
That monetary policy fails to have effect on exchange rate is due to non-market-oriented interest rate, restrictions on the free movement of capital, compulsory exchange settlement system and so on. 货币政策对汇率传导的失效可归因于利率非市场化、资本自由流动受限及强制结售汇制等因素。
With trade liberalization, the movement of capital exceeds national boundaries and flows on a global scale. 世界商品贸易自由化促进了资本超越国界,在国际范围内的流动。
Cash is a form of enterprise cash flow and more important than other capital forms through the movement of capital and the analysis of cash flow cycle graph. 现金是企业资本流的一种形式,通过对资本运动和现金流量循环图的分析,总结出现金是比其他资本形态更重要的一种形态。